Thursday, February 10, 2011

Take on the Natural Cut Fries from Wendy's

A few months ago Wendy's unveiled their newest creation in their attempt to kill American's by food.   and were so happy to send these IED's over to us that they were offering them up for free.    TOR stayed away for some time as there really are no equivalents for McDonalds' Fries which are far-and-away the best fries on the market but we felt like it was our obligation to our readership to review them.
I know there is a big push of rebranding in marketing, basically take the same shitty car you have been making and have Eminem driver around in it and all of a sudden you are writing a speech for your CLIO.      Well this is apparently what Wendy's did because the fries are the same soggy strips of fried potato they've always been.   The added sea-salt doesn't add flavor or enhance it but rather just accumulated at the bottom of the cup and even the baked look of the advertisement wasn't close to what they looked like in person.
We love a lot of other items on the Wendy's menu but the fries get two thumbs way down

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