Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Take on Insomnia

I lay there trying desperately to relax, I try so hard it makes my eyes hurt.  The clock keeps ticking minutes away which I know will only mean that many less minutes I'll have to recover.  I toss, I turn, I kick the sheets off and I tuck them under and still I cannot find a comfortable spot.  I turn on sportstalk and after hearing the 10th ESPN analysists dissect the beauty of Aaron Rodger's spiral I feel like puking although I don't feel like sleeping.   Well that's wrong, I feel like sleeping but I just can't.   This is the cruelty of sleeplessness....the more you try the harder it becomes.
Now I've traveled the world which has meant being up at all hours watching the red lights of the alarm clock and wondering why they never come with a more soothing color like yellow or blue.  I have counted sheep, done math equations, sorted out playoff seedings for my Fantasy Football league and still I have not felt tired enough to let sleep overcome.
I have screamed, I have cried, I have laughed, I have physically assaulted myself but nothing can force a man to sleep..nothing
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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