Thursday, February 24, 2011

Take on the Cabs

Taking on Cabs

Driving in NYC means that you have to put up with a lot of aggravation including constant honking, jay-walkers, a complete lack of parking, terrible congestion and many streets which do not allow turns but nothing is more aggravating than cabs.  Now I will refrain from the typical complaint about  cabbies driving like psychopaths and instead will complain about something else.    See when you get into a cab in NYC you will typically tell the driver something like.. 'drop me off on the north-west corner of 53rd and ninth'  as this is the corner closest to your destination.  What is completely frustrating about his is that in this scenario the north-west corner of 53rd street at 9th avenue means that you are getting dropped off before the light and since there is nowhere to pull over you will hold up traffic on all of 53rd street.  If he had come down 9th avenue he will likely pull over into the left-lane and drop you off right in front of Mangia e Bevi which will mean that any car driving down 9th avenue will have to move over into the center lane to get through the light.

 As we all know cabbies will seemingly pull over completely indiscriminately with no rhyme, reason or care about what is going on in front of them but nothing is more frustrating than getting stuck behind a cab who pulls over in front of a green-light.

So I implore Bloomberg to do the following  

·         cabs must pull over in front of a hydrant not in the right or left traffic lane

·         cabs must pull over past the light never in front of it to help traffic flow

·         cabs cannot pick up passengers in the middle of the street

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