Sunday, January 9, 2011

Those wooden nubs

So between Christmas and New Years I made the colossal mistake of ordering a shelving unit online. Now I'm not disparaging the online shopping experience or shelving units in general but when you get your delivery and start to put it together and one of the main 'tools' they provide you with is wood-glue you are probably better of returning it.
But nobody has ever accused me of being all too bright, so there I went and put this unit together using a couple of allan wrenches, a few screws and a tube of glue.
Now I'm not exactly Jesus but I can put together a piece of IKEA furniture so there I went screwing, and gluing and allen wrenching till it came to putting the final piece together which would turn this pile of particle board into a fully functioning shelving system. Well I was more than a bit surprised when a couple of those little wooden pegs which are designed to hold together two pieces of particle board stood up a little higher than the wooden pegs next to them but I couldn't wedge any further into their intended holes (think Dirk Diggler meets a bathroom glory hole in Japan). I couldn't figure out if some where not in deep enough or other ones in too deep but I knew something was not exactly kosher. We'll as I didn't want to force the nubs more than I had already so I line up the nubs and screws to the last piece of wood, press down and voila... I bust through the thing like I'm a pitcher of Kool-Aid.
So here I am with a kitchen shelving unit with four random nubs which have punctured the side of this piece of garbage and somehow I have managed to get ripped off on yet another item.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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