Sunday, January 30, 2011

PIX is our pick

I am a bit of a news snob. I haven't watched local news in years, never pick up the Metro paper and although I love to listen to local AM sportstalk you'd never catch me on WOR for local politics talk with Ed Koch.
I admit I get most of my news from the footballguys free-for-all, the NY Times and the Daily Show although I will pick up the Daily News a few times per week to keep me updated with the goings on in local news and information but for any issue larger than an MTA strike I go to the Times. As for TV, I really only follow the network news for real info although I keep one eye on the opinion political outlets to see what the whack-jobs from both sides are up to.
Well although I stick with national outlets as a rule, I started to change my mind when I turned on Channel 11 last night. Hoya goya they got some chick prancing around named Jodi Applegate and news has never looked so good. I can't speak for her reporting acumen but I can report that this chick has got a gigantic rack. This broad walks around in 4 inch heels, a skin tight shirt and a pencil skirt which barely reaches her knee. Thanks to the heels the entire ensemble makes her ass pop like a balloon and her chest stick out like a set of bazookas and I am now hooked.. I heard her tell me about a bank-robbery gone wrong, the aftermath of this weeks big snow-storm and the reaction to some local Chinese businesses refusing to put us English signs and let me tell you I was fascinated. Now I cannot tell you anything about her stories but I am pretty sure she's either sporting the newest Victoria Secret amazing bra or my TV screen is warped....
Sadly her partner in crime looks like Long Duk Dong, the G-weatherman is pulling a Weekend-at-Bernies deal and Sal Marciano knows less about sports than Cathy No so you really got to take the good with the bad.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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