Wednesday, January 26, 2011

NY Times App

If there is an app out there which I would have more of a love-hate relationship with than the NY Times one I'd like to hear about it.
See the Times app gives you a downloaded copy of the entire newspaper in minutes, laid out in an easy to follow format with categories listed clearly on the bottom. The content is first-rate and although you don't get the pleasure of feeling the physical paper in your fingerprints you are also not struggling to try to unfold and refold it while crammed in a subway so it looks like somebody is trying to potty train a puppy on the D train.. The other positives include no black grime on your fingers and the cost is free as opposed to $2 per day and $5 on Sundays.
So riddle me this TOR, with all these positives why the rant??
Well its easy, this app either freezes or craps out once per day. It's as if it's run on windows because you wind up pressing the equivalent of ctrl- alt-delete three times per reading.
Now I hear the USA Today app is first rate although I am not sure how well a pie-chart will look on my IPhone.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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