Monday, January 24, 2011

Freeze Frame

There isn't anything that is more annoying to me than people who walk around when the temperature is in the single digits claiming they aren't cold.   Every time the temperature drops into the single digits you are assured of two things, an icicle growing on the end of my unit and a bunch of jackasses claiming it isn't cold.   I'm sure that people look at NFL players in short-sleeves playing on frozen tundra and believe that they too have to claim to be immune to the cold.    Have you ever notice that the second these dudes get off the field they are throwing a huge tarp over their body and sitting on one of those heated benches underneath a bunch of heat-lamps.    Walking around in short-sleeves when it's 8 degrees is about as bright as meeting a stripper in Tijuana and  assuming she's really a she.

Over the weekend with the temperature in the low 20's I walk into Starbucks and see a guy holding court exclaiming that it wasn't cold and that he only felt a little chill on his face but his body was fine.   Honestly this dude looked like he was going through atrophy on the spot yet needed to try to convince everybody that he may as well have been standing on a beach in Punta Cana.    It's people like this that makes me hope that the global warming thing is really a hoax and they go out skinny-dipping in the Antarctica to prove them right, if nothing else it would be a good method of population control.

I know there must be a level of machismo which comes along with having leather skin but generally it is the level of stupidity always shines through

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