Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Withdrawing the troops

Addiction is tough…breaking the addiction is tougher..

For as long as I remember I wake up and within the first 45 minutes of daylight I will fill my body full of caffeine and then I spend the rest of the day coming off the caffeine high slowly and then banging my body full of again while I slowly come down.

I have often thought that breaking my caffeine addiction would be much tougher than my alcohol addiction.   There are literally days where I feel like Tarzan swinging from one cup to another, constantly making sure my self-medication stays even-keeled.    The problem is that knowing the addiction is so powerful doesn't help when it comes to trying to stop it because the days of going cold-turkey will be so painful.  Non coffee drinkers don't realize the level of irritability that can lead to caffeine withdrawal, the pain starts with a deep dull headache, leads to pain behind the eyes, goes to an itch deep behind my eye balls and finally leads me to want to kick somebody in the groin. 

Now I'm trying to cut down on the intake and so far it's been somewhat successful as I've only had three cups today as I try to cut-back to two-cups with the pure reason that I have a powerful need to break things when I'm not fully caffeinated.

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