Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Nuclear Disney Disaster

Just read a report that Chernobyl is opening its doors to tourism starting in 2011 giving the world a glimpse at what remains from the worst nuclear disasters ever.   The 19 mile radius has been virtually man-free since the 1986 meltdown.  What is amazing is that the accident is credited with the 38 original direct deaths plus thousands  more from after effects.   The sad thing is that when you speak to people from the Ukraine you get the impression that those numbers are completely underestimated.    There are apparently ridiculously high under-reported cases of cancer and nobody near Kiev will pretend it's just a coincidence.     So I'm not so sure that even 25 years later I want to be hanging out there hoping I don't get one of those glowing ET hearts.

Now with that said I did see a special on one of those HD channels a few years ago where they sent a camera crew into the restricted area of Chernobyl to film the wildlife.  I was expecting to see some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle deal going on with fish with 3 eyes and humongous lizards but was surprised to see that it actually was very peaceful.    I gotta say it had a real Garden of Eden feel to it with birds chirping, foxes chasing each other around, a few deer grazing and a few house-cats still hanging around waiting for their owners to show up.     Now with the Disney World Express coming through you and see vendors selling $4 cokes, flavorless pretzels and a bunch of lame TShirts… In other words they will Chernobyl into complete hell.

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