Saturday, December 11, 2010

The JD baptism

The sins we commit have to be repented for, whether it's through a 24 hour fast, a confession in a little room or a figurative cleansing. For those of us who have made sinning a daily occurrence there is no amount of forgiveness we can ask for which will cover our tracks but we must find ways to cleanse our souls, minds and bodies and the figurative cleansing will never be enough as we need to flush the toxins from our system.

TOR advocates burning the alcohol out of your system as the most efficient way to break through the fog of last night's booze but when you have decided to feast on Jack Daniels there has to be a step that comes before the ritual run. The JD hangover has to be tended to slightly differently as burning the toxins out is not enough they have to be flushed out of the system and sitting on the can and dropping a deuce is the first step in the process.
See the JD Dump is not your standard stink up the room and leave streaks in the toilet variety, it's an Intoxicating combination of fermented grains and runny slop which fogs the mirror in bathroom and leaves the kind of odor no perfume can hope to cover but the experience is liberating as you unleash the toxins allowing yourself to come back to civilization empowered and clean
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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