Tuesday, December 28, 2010

12 white inches... Every girl's dream.

Can somebody explain to me how I walk onto the subway platform and there are mounds of snow piled up. Now I am not talking about an above-ground platform but rather an underground one which is a full story below street level. I guess I can tell my grandkids about the blizzard of 2010 when it was so bad that it snowed underground too.
See NYC is usually pretty responsive to this kind of storm but I guess with the holidays they weren't all that well prepared this time. There was some MTA bus which got stuck down the block and the driver had to spend the night in the bus. I'd like to see what kind of overtime that dude rightfully collected. I'm totally anti-government waste and people gaming the system but when it's 20 degrees on the day after Christmas and you have to sleep on a bus then you are either a homeless guy or can qualify as the MTA's man of the year.
I'm sure there is a baked ham in it for him

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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