Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting for change..again

On election day 2010 the US is a more fractured political landscape than it has ever been and going to the polls means either casting ballots to reaffirm political ineptitude or casting ballots to bring in new guys who claim they will bring baseball bats to Washington but will use them only as giveaways to corporate greed.

Only two years ago the buzz in the country was electing the next leader of the free world today they are looking to replace a  bunch of useless senators, worthless representatives and a few justice of the peace-es..   The Republicans will probably take hold of the house which means that the liberal wienies will have more reason to cry about obstructionism and the tea-party will probably have its day in the sun.    The issue I always have with voting in elections is that I show up and except for a couple of the national races or a big state race like governor, I know NOTHING about any other candidate on the bottom of the ballot.   I'm never sure if I'm better off not voting at all since I completely disagree with voting down party lines.   The issue is that these local elections are impossible to know anything about the candidates, I mean you can read about what they say they will do but I can tell you that I'm planning on writing a good blog and you know that isn't going to happened.   Nobody has properly vetted the local councilman or dog-catcher so who knows if these guys spend their weekends with a gag-ball in their mouths wearing latex suits.
In NY our choices are faily lame as usual but there will be the nice suprise i get when I pull the lever for the Republican candidate for US Senate because it will be the first time I'll learn who it is.
The highlight though will be  we get to choose our next Governor.  The race is between a guy who can't even seem to get animated if somebody lit his family on fire and a guy who'se biggest accomplishment on the campaign trail was to prove he's a bigoted twerp.    The way I see it Carl Paladino is in the fortunate position of not having died yet and Andrew Cuomo is in the fortune position of being the equivalent of a Mike Shannahan running back with his pedigree and attorney general position.

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