Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Black Hole

It's a known fact that women can pull each other into their vortex when it comes to that part of the month. You hear about sisters getting onto the same schedule, roommates whose bodies coordinate , friends who influence each others timing and I've even heard it about coworkers and classmates.
The way I see it- if you could just run an experiment you would find that because of the way these chicks wind up subconsciously coordinating it won't be long before every chick gets onto the same schedule.

Think about this. Take two roommates who by virtue of living together get onto the same schedule. Roommate 1 pulls her sister onto the schedule while roommate two who works in an office hangs out with two chicks at work who will tend to follow each other's patterns. So now you have two roommates, a sister and a three coworkers. But those sisters and coworkers all have other women in their lives who they may also pull into the pattern. So one coworker has a sister she lives with who gets pulled into the same PMS pyramid scheme., another is close to her cousin while the third has a few chicks in her Spin class she hangs with regularly who get sucked in by the gravitational pull.. The more chicks that get onto that schedule the larger the mass becomes and the stronger it's pull. Before you know it the dudes in the world are dealing with a black hole...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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