Thursday, October 7, 2010

There is something to be said for brevity

Human nature cannot be explained in a 50 volume encyclopedia although describing it can be done successfully in 140 characters.    So often the best rants and observations are not long winded but instead well thought out, smart and brief.

 The irony in publishing a daily blog commentary on everything is that had the writer not found this particular outlet, his ire would undoubtedly be said medium.

With that said today we do attack the largest and most encompassing of the new media's.   See Facebook has become what email was in terms of ways to stay connected.   It's what Google was in terms of the portal into the internet and it's what the cable company was when it comes to most hated utility.     The concept is good, the execution is good, the format is good but the fact that you are connected to every Joe, Dick and Jiwon from high-school is the downfall.     

About two months ago I did a small social experiment where I stayed away from Facebook for a week and somehow the world didn't end.   I was shocked when I woke up one morning and my limbs were still attached, my mind was still intact and I wasn't going through painful physical withdrawals.  I know it was weird to think about it but the musings of Danny Avizov or Kosta Peppas weren't all that important after-all.    The endless junk like Farmville and Four Square had continued without my watchfulness.   Now I'm sure I missed out on a couple of cute pictures of kids, a couple of funny postings and the latest craze but I figure I'll catch it later.

I don't want to sound like an old man stuck in a generation I don't recognize but there is something invigorating about disconnecting from this endless social circle.    

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