Sunday, October 3, 2010

Iphone 4

So I finally did it... I decided that I was sick of the crappy camera, the lack of aps, the slow internet service, the lack of WiFi, the crappy browser and the keyboard and finally traded in the BlackBerry for an Iphone4. -full disclosure, I still have the BB and will likely keep it for work and the occasional TOR rant.
I got over the trepidation of the virtual keyboard and the knowledge that my phone service is going to suck but it was time. How can I be expected to live in a world when taking a picture means it takes 10 seconds to save to the hard-drive or where it takes 3 minutes to load the boxscore of the Yankee game. The Blackberry is a great business machine, the way you receive emails is revolutionary, BBM is phenomenal and you can drop it out a 3 story window and it keeps ticking...but enough is enough it's time for me to join the 21st century and 24 hours into it I am amazed.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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