Friday, October 1, 2010

Airbus the movie

Now I'm not one to go to the movies often, so I often use long flights to catch up.  I know I won't see every movie out there and realize my selection will be limited but on a recent flight to Seoul I caught 4 movies I was at least vaguely interested in.  But not on AirFrance where the movie selection is limited to french noir and a pile of lame American romantic comedies.

The selections were: Sex in the City 2, some Jennifer Gardner-Vince Vaughn tragedy called the Breakup and The Backup Plan AKA Maid of Honor 2.   With that selection I can't be blamed for staring at the flight-progress screen.   Finally I flip a three-headed coin and it lands on the Backup Plan and I honestly would rather forget that entire 1:46 of my life.
 Not only is the movie completely unrealistic (guy sells cheese from his own farm yet lives on Waverly Street from Monday-Friday) the story line is predictable and lame (I know big surprise). How the hell are we supposed to believe Jenny from the Block gave up a budding career over at Goldman Sachs to open up some pet-shop in the village which is easily 3000 square feet, does anybody do research to see the cost of retail rental space????
The supporting cast is made up of some annoying upper-west side Jap who you could never see hanging with JLo, some dude who might be Jerome Bettis and some chick who looks like the Philly Phanatic.
The only redeeming part of the entire thing was seeing JLo's ass but even that was kind of anti-climactic.

and yes I do pee sitting down sometimes.

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