Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sometimes I hate this country

When a Muslim man gets attacked on a subway platform while minding his business while his pregnant wife stands next to him my eyebrows raise.   Although we'll never know if this was a hate-crime, in the climate we live in, it doesn't seem inconceivable.     There is something very rotten in this country right now and even if the mouthpieces aren't officially calling their followers to act, they have created a climate for religious intollerance and evil.
For the last two years we hear the Neo-Nazi right wing talking-heads openly question the birthright of a sitting president and accuse him of being a secret muslim to rally their masses you wonder what exactly we have become.   First of all he's both born as an American and is a practicing Christian but more importantly why should it matter.

This is race-bating, this is front page headline grabbing, this is scorch the earth mentality, this is everything I hate about this country.
When you have white-trash preachers threatening to burn holy books to mark the anniversary of the worst attack on US soil you wonder what the hell we've become.

For months we've been hearing about the Ground Zero Mosque although the plans have been in the works for years but the national media only started to pay attention right before the midterm elections.

I've said this already but let me be clear..  Do people realize what a few blocks in NYC even means?   This is a city where  you can get from $5 million dollar homes to projects within 3 blocks.  In NYC a few blocks is the equivalent of 100 miles, people who live on the West Side will go months without making it to the other side of 5th avenue.

But more importantly when you talk about honoring the victims how about the fact that after 9 years that place is still a smoldering mess.  How about the near decade of swindling, deal-making, stoppages, threats and inaction.  Explain how that is honoring anybody.   If this had happened in China they would have built a proper memorial in 8 months but here they are still sorting out who gets what money.

But what have built is anger, hatred and breeding ground for bigots and zealots.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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