Monday, September 6, 2010

A live Uzi

I always wonder why you can't have a tiger as a pet but it seems completely sensible to allow people to have Pit Bulls.
Then again this country sees carrying an UZI as a god-giver right while walking around with a few grams of weed can land you in the slammer.
These things are bred to kill and maim and have no place in a civilized society, I actually think the Michael Vick mentality is less tragic as fighting is all these things are good for. I just don't get why anybody in their right mind would ever want one of these and the biggest travesty is how many Pit Bull owners will tell you how docile a dog they are all the while having them on a metal-chained leash and probably feeding them slabs of raw meat. I have a friend of a friend who I just found out has one of these nasty mutts and isn't planning on getting rid of it before her daughter is born.
If this doesn't have front-page of the Daily News written all over it, I don't know what does. Listen maybe the chances of this ruthless mutt mauling a little girl are slim but they are much higher than a Labrador Retriever doing it. Now I'm obviously not rooting for it and I hope I'm dead wrong but this feels like it's gonna end in one of those 'I knew it' moments.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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