Sunday, September 19, 2010

Egg-White tax

I completely understand charging extra when you make an addition to a meal, like of you wanted cheese for your burger or turkey bacon with your eggs. You pay a fee for an item, the cheese or the bacon has a cost which is added to the price of a meal. What I don't get though is when there is a price increase when you take an item away or when the 'addition' is completely minimal. TOR readers have read about our disdain for getting charged a 100% premium when the coffee shop serves our coffee over frozen water. You get less coffee and ice is about as close to having no tangible cost as there is. The way I see it, you are paying more for less.
Well nothing screams TOR involvement more than the egg-white omelet. Most places will charge you an extra dollar so that you aren't jamming your arteries full of cholesterol. Now maybe there is an argument to the fact that separating the yolk from the goop is labor intensive but even a culinary laymen like myself can do that. This is like being charged extra to get a cheeseburger sans cheese. The way I see it, the restaurant should be giving you a discount since you are consuming less food and thus may need to order something else plus by living a healthier lifestyle you can have a longer life expectancy and thus be a customer for a longer period than your cheese-wiz in the veins compadres.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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