Thursday, September 23, 2010

The 9AM flight

I love Europe. I love it despite the BO, the bad haircuts and the horrible clothing choices. Europeans have it easy, they get a ridiculous amount of vacation, they are close to cities like Paris, London and Rome so they have cool places to go during all those vacations and they have nice airports to get there.

They also have a different concept experience when they get to said airport. The NSA equivalent guys are generally friendly, the food options are numerous and nobody gets to the airport three and a half hours early in anticipation to get through endless lines. For God's sake they have a shipping company with airplanes emblazoned with TNT on them, the terrorist obviously haven't won here.

The entire concept is just more pleasant but the behavior on the airplane shocked me. Maybe I was caught on the equivalent of a spring-break to Cancun flight but on a 9AM intra-european flight this morning, there were no fewer than 30 drinks ordered, these Europeans see air-travel the way it used to be, sort of glamorous and stress-free. The stewardesses had to keep shooting to the back to refill their drink-carts. Wine, beer and hard booze was consumed like Americans drink coffee on similar flights.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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