Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Open Air Rip-Off

I hate getting ripped off more than just about anything in this entire free-world.

Today I pull into the parking lot I've used once per week for the last few months, it's an outdoor lot with a reasonable price and nice service but today my impression of the whole operation changed.     The lot has a large $12 for the day sign up which I've happily paid.    Add in $1 as a tip and I'm in-and-out for less than it costs for 2 Miller Lites at Yankee Stadium

But today the parking-lot attendant told me that because I was in an SUV the price would be $15.. now I've been going to the same place for months and always paid the same as a passenger car but out of the blue he's jacked my price up 25%.     Now I'm not driving a Hummer or even an Escalade, I'm pulling up in a Ford Escape.  

I've never understood the logic behind this, my Ford Escape has a smaller footprint as a Ford Mustang (with a smaller carbon-footprint I might add) but I'm getting charged a premium.    Now in a covered lot there might be a thought about cubic-feet but this is obviously not the case in an open parking lot without lifts.  So my car is taking up no extra space yet I'm paying a premium anyway.    It doesn't take any extra work to park my car (I'd actually argue it takes less at it is more comfortable to drive up high) but they charge you anyway.

So once again I feel ripped off by the man, I'm planning on peeling out when I leave today covering this a-hole in chunks of asphalt and bio-diesel fumes.

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