Friday, August 6, 2010

Bailout central

But as much a I hate the banks, the greedy credit-card companies, the stupid people the ones who I feel should be scrubbing the bottom of the hot-tub of hell are the fly-by-night credit-card relief companies.
Is it just me or is every commercial on the radio an advertisement for some kind of credit-card relief consolidation, tax relief, bankruptcy avoidance or debt elimination? It's as if normal companies selling cars, beers or cleaning supplies have completely eliminated their radio advertisement budgets. We are bombarded with one commercial after another claiming that some company with a name like "federal relief fund of america" or "national debt elimination hotline" can wipe all your accumulated debt, credit card bills and your general indiscretion away by paying pennies on the dollar.
Now I have to think the US Attorney General's gotta be looking into this as there is just no way that people could -or more importantly should- be able to walk away from mountains of debt just because. The way I see it, this was the biggest downfall with the bank-bailouts, the car company government assisted bailouts and the rest of the TARP money. It made everybody else feel the need to stick their hand out. Now I do feel for the guy who bought a house at the top of the market within his income range and then saw his life savings swept away because the housing market crashed and his modest home is now worth less than he paid for it.
I don't feel bad with the guy who bought a house outside of his means who took a million dollar mortgage with his $40,000 job. I also don't feel bad for the guy who refinanced his house three times to go on vacations or buy a boat. These people should lose their houses if for no other reason than because they are stupid and stupidity should never pay.
There shouldn't be a market for debt relief because we shouldn't have made it so easy on the corporations when they had their hands out. When Lehman and Bear Sterns and AIG and GM were begging we should have played bookie. We should have put the odds in our favor-not theirs and this is what we should be doing now for every joe-dick and Harry who is hoping Roni Deutsch is gonna save their bacon.

I give you some credit-card relief, cut up your cards and start spending within your means...not real complicated
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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