Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Swipe again at this terminal

I am convinced that there is somebody up there laughing at us all. I'm not talking about the omnipresent Holy Father but instead talking about some version of Big Brother.
See I am completely convinced that when you most need to get through the turnstile to catch the next train, the more likely your card won't be read.
It's as if the vibration of an arriving train malfunctions the MetroCard readers while somebody at MTA headquarters giggles as I keep getting that "swipe again at this turnstile" message. There isn't a more frustrating message around especially when you are in a rush
Now there is probably something to swiping quickly when you are in a rush vs swiping more slowly when there is no train arriving but how the hell are there EZ-pass systems which can record my car doing 55mph but an MTA card-reader can't distinguish a card slid through it at a 10th the speed?
Maybe those crazy old guys are right that it's all a big conspiracy theory where the MTA keeps having you swipe and keeps deducting $2.25. With the crazy dollar amounts on the cards, nobody would know
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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