Thursday, July 1, 2010

shoes for the mentally insane

I was listening to All Night with Jason Smith the other night and could not get over the fact that this clown was trying to convince his listening audience that those new Sketchers are remotely cool.   I saw a chick wearing these things today and honestly thought she might be retarded.  I'm not using retarded as an insult but rather thought she might literally be handicapped.   I know they are doing their best to market these as a workout in a shoes but that's like trying to tell me that those vibrating belts are a sane workout.

There just isn't' any excuse for anybody to be caught dead wearing these things especially if you are a heterosexual male.  The concept I think is that the design of the bottom of the shoe is curved so that you kind of roll from heel to toe like marching band shoes.  Now this probably makes sense when looking at the pounding the human skeleton takes but doesn't take into consideration that these are only remotely less embarrassing than wearing Crocs.

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