Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Scam

Now let me preface with the fact I am a capitalist and appreciate the fact that every market needs to find it's equilibrium but when there is a gross exaggeration of price it is our duty at TOR to point it out.
I don't think there is a bigger scam alive than iced coffee? When you pay for iced-coffee you are paying $2.50 for a cup of crappy coffee served over ice, nothing less nothing more.

Somehow we have all been scammed into paying a 100% premium for somebody to give you less coffee. If I go to a restaurant and order a ginger-ale, I usually ask for no ice so I can at least get a full glass of soda not one diluted by frozen water. Well somehow the coffee people have not only avoided this concept but they have turned it around on their customers. Today at my regular egg-and-cheese joint I noticed a sign for $2.50 for a $1.25 cup of coffee with a couple of ice-cubes floating into it and there were hordes of people shoving fists full of dollars to get them.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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