Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Piss test

One of the big positives of being a dude is not having to sit down to pee, one of the negatives is getting back-splash off the porcelain. Now it's one thing if it was just your own piss splashing back at you, but when you are in a public pisser you got to realize half of the backsplash is another dude's backwash especially if you are wearing shorts and flip-flops
They invented spit guards at the buffet lines, why can't they invent something to avoid my pant legs looking like I walked through a misting station. So you have to make a decision, piss against the porcelain which will mean some long-rebounds or piss into the reservoir which means that if your under the basket you'll have an opportunity for a lot of easy tip-ins. So you have only two options, become a sharp-shooting 2-guard able to stroke it from long range or go in down-low wearing waders.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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