Sunday, July 11, 2010

Forget Golden Showers.

I have a guy I know who I play touch-football with once per year he's a friend of a friend and a good dude. After the first year of playing he was dubbed Golden-Arm Lou because unlike the rest of us he could throw a spiral for 25 yards and he is a lefty. His arm is 5, his decision making is a 3 and his mobility is a 2. See the misconceptions was that Lou always played QB because of the golden-arm but really he has no touch what-so-ever and his arm has been overrated for years. He's not nearly the QB we made him out to be and if you ask him to defend anything other than the deep-fryer it will mean your team stands to lose 7-0.
The issue is that it took a few years but everybody realizes that Golden Arm Lou actually is a terrible QB. This issue is how do you not have the guy with the nick-name Golden Arm be the QB especially if he can't help out on any other offensive position. So instead of crossing this bridge we took the tunnel and we just we don't ask him to play anymore. He usually shows up when the game is on the way and we always come up with some excuse but it's probably obvious to him since now everybody calls him Golden Shower Lou and somehow it fits him. But we digress
The point is that Lou is a terrible QB and that Bud Lite is a terrible Lite beer. But Lou can deep fry anything and he's a really nice guy so there is enough reason to invite him to watch the superbowl every-year we just don't ask him to play in our stupor-bowl.

Like the redeeming qualities in Lou, Budweiser came out with Bud Lite Honey Wheat. This beer is absolutely delicious and it blows some other wheat-beers out of the water all on 110 calories. Honestly it's shocking that an American mega-brewery could pull this off because up until this I would have said that Budweiser should stick to what they know- the red white and blue can, a couple of Clydesdales and a few good Superbowl commercials and leave the specialty beers to somebody else. I mean Bud Lime tastes like piss flavored seltzer, Bud Ice tastes like mold flavored seltzer and even Bud Lite tastes like seltzer flavored seltzer.

But I would have made a terrible Bud market planner because they shocked me when all of a sudden they came up with the Golden Wheat. Maybe it's the Inbev connection or the fact that they lost some market share after the last Bud Bowl but they finally got one right.

It's a refreshing beer, done totally right with no short-cuts, no water-down taste and no seltzer PLUS you can get a six-pack for $6.99.

So the next time you are deep-frying something realize that Lou has probably deep-fried anything from a turkey to a pig but he also doesn't wash his hands after he takes a leak so crack open a Golden Wheat and hope it can burn away the bacteria.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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