Thursday, June 3, 2010

Who the hell buys anything in these things?

I have been on a thousand flights in my life. I always do the same thing when boarding. I get onto the plane as early as possible to make sure I can store my luggage and get comfortable waiting for other people to get cattled in and not have a place to put their roller bag.
What I also do is check what they offer in that seat pocket in front of me including some crappy magazine like SkyNews or United Lives and often find some other idiot had made a poor attempt at the crossword and Sudoku. Then I flip through the safety instruction and barf bag which aren't that interesting. What I also do is flip through that SkyMall magazine which can easily kill an hour on a long leg of a terrible flight to browse the garden gnomes, Iphone chargers and that ramp to let your Golden Retriever It's like walking into a Brookstone in the sense it's the most interesting thing at an airport but more so that you never see anybody actually purchase anything in them.
I wonder how these places even stay open, somebody's got to buy some of this junk because they got a nice presentation with great pictures which must cost a fortune to produce. Somebody must be buying something although I have yet to find somebody to admit to it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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