Friday, June 11, 2010

Jackasses all of them

Hopefully they'll have this oil-leak stuffer by the time I'm stuffing a Thanksgiving Turkey.    The thing about this oil-spill which has just been upgraded to 20,000 barrels per day is that you start to learn how much people lie when it comes to getting caught

First they said it was about 2000 barrels per day, then it went to 8000, then to 15,000 and now to 20,000.   You know that there are really about 100,000 barrels per day that are coming in.   I think it's time for them to start thinking about something different as those pipes, risers, golf-ball and everything else they have thrown at this haven't exactly worked.

My thought since this thing isn't ever going to be fixed why not make a spectacle out of it and put somebody new in charge.   My call send the guys from Jackass down there as a join USO and USA overhaul.    This has top rated TV show written all over it.   Those guys eating oil covered shrimp, doing a triple lindy into the tar-baths or have Steve O go crabbing using his sack as bait.  But for the encore put goggles on them and have Steve O, Johnny Knoxville and Wee Man  shoot them down 1 mile down to the ocean floor to try to stuff this thing by shoving that fat-guy into the pit.

But the most interesting thing I read was that there are a bunch of Brits who got their panties in a bunch because of the beating BP is taking in the press and the US government.   Basically the shares have lost 40% of their value and since a lot of pension funds are tied to the BP stock, individuals are seeing their nest-eggs turn into an omelet.   Now I know this sucks but who ever said that buying stocks was a sure thing, you gotta take the good with the bad.  When you buy a stock you are buying everything that comes along with that including the profits, dividends, CEO, environmental cleanup, financial risks and financial gains.   If the thing falls on its face than that is too bad for you and everybody else since nobody felt sorry for you when you were racking in the profits.

   What I'm starting to dislike though is this argument about raising the total allowable fine caused by an oil-spill to move from 75 million dollars to 10 billion dollars.   I hate any act which is deemed illegal or plain wrong as one where there is a defined penalty since it just always feels like you can do the crime as long as you are willing to do the time.    I would say the penalty should be 10x the cost of the cleanup so that there can't ever be a justifiable reason to take unneeded risk..  Or better yet for every drop of oil that lands on the seashore let some Cajun kick a Brit in the sack, For every bird that comes back lathered in oil let Dick Cheney be allowed to shoot his gun at a Tony Hayward or better yet for every oil-ball that ends up in marsh-lands let the guys from JackAss shoot his load all over some BP teller.

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