Saturday, June 19, 2010

America, what a country

The newest phenomenon hitting the college circuit is Bros icing Bros and although I am 12 years removed from college the entire concept is peculiarly appealing. The game revolves around a bunch of college hooligans carrying around warm bottles of Smirnoff Ice and then springing them onto unsuspecting friends who have to down this chick-drink on one knee. The only way to avoid getting 'iced' is by packing heat, which I think means you have t carry your own bottle of warm Smirnoff Ice in a holster so you can block a bro from icing you.

I can probably count on two fingers the amount of Smirnoff Ice's I have ever had and I am positive that I've never laid out any money for it although I should admit that I had a few ZIMAs when I was a senior in High School. When you are trying to ICE a buddy you have to make sure the embarrassment factor is out of this world so they chose the perfect brand. Not only does Smirnoff Ice taste like dog urine seen drinking one is about as masculine as getting a tattoo on your lower back. . Now if you are a Smirnoff exec who has made a living selling your wine-coolers to 20 something chicks this is probably not how you imagined your life having gone but sometimes life throws you a curve ball and if you check-swing a double you don't ask questions. Honestly they can't ask for better publicity as this Icing thing has gone completely viral with people like Aston Kutcher and the dude from Facebook having gotten iced and posted onto YouTube. So now there are 1000's of kids buying six-packs of Smirnoff Ice who would otherwise be buying Natty Ice. Obviously the Smirnoff company has to be careful not to officially embrace the binge-drinking thing but they gotta be seeing themselves as lucky as the execs over at the White-Owl cigar company.. Yeah it probably isn't something you officially embrace but when you can afford to fill your swimming in pools with Smirnoff Ice, who gives a damn.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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