Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two Terminals

As a guy who travels for work, I spend too many nights sleeping at Holiday Inn Expresses, too many meals at TGI Fridays and too many hours at the airport waiting out the countless delays.
There is no bigger dichotomy than when you see one guy sitting quietly reading his Blackberry. with a complete dejected look on his face and right next to him is some kid on his way to Disney World bouncing off his chair. For the one guy it is a way of life and he's got the frequent flier card to prove it and for the other it's an extraordinarily cool experience.

I don't hold anything against those traveling for fun although I never seem to find time to do it myself but there really needs to be two terminals, one for the ones who are wearing a Hawaiian shirt and the other for the people who want to smash their laptops through that guy's head. If you have traveled for work you know that there is no fun to it at all, any luster and excitement has worn off years ago and anybody who looks they are even having the least bit of fun needs to slip and have their scrotum torn..

But even amongst business travellers there are two types.

The ones lie myself who just hurry through it, hating the schlep but realizing that it's a means to an end. Most of the time these are the people with their face buried in their laptops, newspapers or most likely their BlackBerry's

And then there is another breed of business traveler who acts like a total buffoon because he has made it his personal quest to make every person aware that he's at the airport.

This week I had the misfortune of sitting next to some balding dude who must was using the down-time while we were waiting for a delayed flight from Chicago to LaGuardia to call every ahole in his rolodex and then made it a point to let whoever he was talking to know exactly where he was as if he was sitting behind the dugout at Yankee Stadium and wanted his friends to turn on the TV to catch a glimpse of him.

"Hey Jill, it's Marc just wanted to let you know I'm at the airport and will be flying in 30 minutes"

"Hey Tony, yeah I'm just sitting waiting for this flight delay and wanted to ask you if could borrow your lawnmower"

"Hey Bill, Marc here just checking in, yeah I'm delayed over at the airport, wanted to make sure you got that fax I sent.... Oh yeah I remember we spoke about this already, well yeah so I'm at the airport and there is a delay and......."

This guy found some way to shoehorn the fact that he was delayed for 30 minutes into 5 different conversations.
Dude get a twitter account or post it as your status but stop with the conversation clutter as I am trying to blog
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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