Friday, May 28, 2010

today's big winner.. Joe Hazelwood

Working both sides of the aisle

So Obama has decided that the buck stops with him, whatever that means but like the economy now he has owns this problem and like Donnie Walsh this is now his team regardless of who screwed it up to begin with.   What I find most striking about this total mess is what a total clusterf*ck this thing has been from the day this deepwater horizon pulled an event-horizon.    They are saying this is the biggest oil-spill in US history which probably means that Joe Hazelwood probably just cracked open a beer in celebration.

I know they are trying a thousand different things to plug this hole and TOR has been saying from the beginning that they all sound like some pie-in-the-sky hokey-pokey method.    The way I see it, we've been told by the left that there isn't all that much oil down in the gulf anyway so what's the big problem now.  Based on what they have been saying for a decade this thing should have seized gushing about 3 days after the first disaster.

Now I think they want to pump cement into this thing or explode it within itself but the more I think about it they should just get a really long straw and start getting Bobby Jindal to start sucking to siphon it out.   Other that that maybe they can try shoving Rosie O'Donnel's ass into it.

But now it's officially Obama's baby even if nobody in the US Government probably knows anything about drilling an oil-well a mile under the sea as congress keeps calling BP and Halliburton executives to testify.  This is what I hate most about our government, they do nothing but have hearings whether it's greedy banks, greedy insurance companies or greedy oil-company execs but nother ever gets done except they get some airtime on the 6:30 newscasts
  I just hope that when this thing is finally plugged that we send BP a nice bill for all the clean-up, air-time and relief drilling.

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