Monday, May 17, 2010

the hose

So apparently they were able to snake a 5000 mile garden hose down into this surging oil-well which they claim has solved the whole oil spilling into the gulf scenario.   I gotta say I'm impressed because it sounds like a more logical method than some of the other options including plugging the well with golf-balls and garbage or some ridiculous looking come.    What I'm most impressed with is the feat of engineering to pull this tube thing off, imagine trying to take a spewing fire-hydrant and trying to stick a garden hose inside of it without turning off the hydrant.    Actually forget that, I'm impressed they were able to maneuver a hose 5000 feet under the ocean, this sounds like taking a chick back to your place after too much whiskey except the whole world got their eye on you.   Try taking a hose and grabbing it 10 feet from the nozzle and then from there try to stick it in that fire-hydrant.

Now with the well pumping the oil into a sea-level tanker it might be time to start really worrying about the cleanup.   I gotta say that I dropped an olive on my suit-jacket on Saturday and I spent forty minutes trying to get the oil-stain out of my jacket.     In this case they are looking at 200,000 gallons per day for a month into the gulf so if my math is right we can have this thing cleaned up sometimes in the year 2783 and they better start sending some seltzer water down there.

In the meantime, the NY Times spoke about these large plumes of oil hanging out in layers under the water and I have to imagine it won't be long until a bunch of Cajun Fishermen are on their boats dropping pail down the water and pulling gasoline out of the gulf like a huge water-well.

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