Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fashion Police

I get that people wear socks with slippers although I don't GET it. I am sure that there is a comfort level here and I am not saying you should be a slave to fashion but there has to be a point that you realize your life has spiraled radically downwards when you slip Jesus Sandals over your tube socks. Now we all know that TOR takes no prisoners when it comes to fashion and we have been oft criticized for our hatred for chicks who wear flats when rocking a dress so I'm sure this entry will be met with similar hate.
See I have continued my research and have finally perfected my criticism, it is not flats with dresses that I despise what I hate even more are terrible flats. It took a while but I have narrowed down my hate to those banana boat shoes chicks rock when they are trying to look dressed up while staying comfortable. I don't mind open toed flats like slippers or those gypsy things a buddies fiancé wears but when I see women walking around look like they could go water skiing then I get worried. What I'm talking about are those close toed, slip-on jammys which make a woman's foot look like somebody dropped a cartoon anvil on them, the shoe design could be acceptable if it had even a slight heel for elevation but a woman shouldn't ever look like she's got planks tied to her feet. It is to the point that I hate a chick in flats more than I hate a flat chick and that's saying something.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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