Saturday, April 3, 2010

"A young girl's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk".

"We were planning on watching Hot Tub Time Machine but instead caught this three-hour foreign film"

There is just so much wrong with this statement it's hard to know where to start. I know I'm not exactly "cultured" when it comes to fine art or movie-houses but I cannot fathom spending a Friday Night at the Angelica theater on Houston surrounded by hordes of foreign-film snobs. My biggest issue here is that somehow my buddy got swindled from seeing a mindless belly-laugher to a three-hour ordeal with subtitles and it hardly phased him.

I realize that the rest of the world probably puts out very good movies but the pomposity of the whole thing annoys me, this concept that you are better than me because you will know who the next Benigni is before everybody else but I can live happily not knowing.

It's the same crap you get when people tell you how much better the British Office is than the American one or the guy who drops the names of microbrews like they are celebrity sightings. Just because it is made with hops grown in a guy's basement doesn't make it a good beer and just because it has subtitles doesn't make it a good watch.

Now this may make me a simpleton but the entire concept of a foreign film is just too much work for me. After working all week, why would I now feel like I'm doing work when trying to unwind at a movie, if I wanted to read, I would have picked up a book and if I wanted foreign I would have picked up Thai food.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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