Sunday, April 11, 2010

WhiteBoy accessory

We've often heard about women accessorizing with handbags, earrings, necklaces etc but I have been noticing more dudes doing the same. Walking through the shopping center in Brooklyn yesterday, it occurred to me that 9 out of 10 white dudes apparently won't leave the house with at least one head-accessory. The most obvious choices are the dirty baseball-cap or maybe the white guy with the Samuel L Jackson cap (which by the way is a horrible white-guy look). But it doesn't end with hats, white guys are wearing bandannas like they are rocking Poison, head-bands like they are rocking John McEnroe and Sun Glasses like they are Don Johnson. Now it's not that I'm anti accessory, I am a main culprit when it comes to the baseball cap but the level of accessorizing is getting dangerously feminine or at least Latino Gay.. Although not a 'new' look more and more dudes are rocking sunglasses on top of their heads, long gone are the sunglasses that are functional or sweat headbands which I guess are necessary when building up a sweat while buying a 48 pack of toilet paper at Target.
Look around and a white-guy will be wearing one of these things and if not sun-glasses or a hat of some sort, he's probably got some scruffy looking white-guy beard.

What is it about white people? Are we sop insecure with our white-washed looks that we feel we need to now jazz it up. The problem is that the accessories are so common-place that it has lost any concept of uniqueness. It's as if we use it to try to look more like one another.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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