Friday, April 9, 2010

No Smoking or Peeing

So the papers had two main stories the last few days that caught my attention and neither was about Tiger Woods. The first story was about the false terrorism alarm on the flight to. Colorado. Apparently Mohammed al Madadi a low level diplomat from Qatar got busted smoking a pipe in the shitter and when he got caught he did really decided that just breaking the no-smoking rule wasn't enough fun, he made a joke to the Air Marshalls who approached him about setting of a shoe bomb. Now it didn't help that this dude was on route to see some convicted al Qaeda operative in Federal Penitentiary for his involvement in 9/11
Now you can't be any dumber than this especially if you probably already on the Federal Watch List with a name like Mohammed al Madadi

The Second Story was about airlines finding ways to charge extra fees including one airline who wanted to charge for carry-on luggage and since they probably already charge for checked luggage you will be getting banged by this fee unless you can carry all the clothes and toiletries you will need shoved into your five-hole. Well they were outdone when RyanAir, the European budget airline announced they will be charging people for using the bathroom. The thought is to charge 1 Euro to use the can, which will either generate about $40 per flight or cost them about $250 per flight in cleaning-bills.

Maybe if Mohammed al Madadi had flown RyanAir he could have convinced them to let him smoke his pipe for an extra $300.

Now I don't mind paying if it ensures the bathroom isn't nasty and stinking like urine but I tell you one thing, if I am going to pay to use the can, you better believe I'm dropping a deuce to get my money's worth.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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