Friday, April 16, 2010

Big Brother is watching

As the TOR faithful knows, I am addicted to the Blackberry even with all its warts, flaws and hiccups. I have my issues which mostly stem from the fact it is not an Iphone but also Verizon has inexplicably turned off the WiFi option while 3G is AOL slow and the CAP and ALT keys are reversed but considering it all I am more than content.
I should rephrase that... I WAS content until I noticed that a new icon for an app had magically appeared onto my screen. Somehow without my knowing or doing, BlackBerry had added Skype to my phone. Now I like the Skype product but I felt an invasion of privacy. I am not sure why it is in either BB or Verizon's interest for me to have Skype but I am sure somebody is greasing somebody's palm Pre.
Now I wonder if they are adding apps without my consent, what else are they doing? I know the government is listening into my conversations and monitoring my internet usage already but maybe Skype is their newest incarceration of domestic spying.
I realize that nothing I do online is completely safe and I can live with that but when the invasion is so blatant and in your face it gives me reason to worry. Now had they put a YouPorn icon I may have felt differently (mostly more worried) but this had the whole Internet Explorer on Windows feel to it and when it comes to my privacy I am Anti Trust
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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