Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tassimo Blackballed

So apparently the Tassimo people don't have very thick skins. A few weeks ago TOR complained ( about the fact that the single serving coffee machine has become so obsolete that you can't find the pods in any supermarket and are forced to buy them online like you are buying tax-free Indian reservation cigarettes.

Maybe they got wind of the rant because I am apparently being blacklisted.
At about the same time as the rant I ordered 6 or 7 boxes of coffee pods online and have yet to get a delivery and every attempt I have made to get info has been met with a big wall.

Just listen to this madness.

Two weeks ago I contact them to get info about my order and I am told that one of the items is out of stock and this is where the insanity begins

I asked them when my order will ship and they say they don't know because an item was out of stock.

I ask which item is out of sock and they say they can't tell.

I ask when it will be in stock and they can't say

I ask them to ship out a partial order and cancel the out-of-stock item but their system won't allow it

I ask to cancel the order but the system won't allow that either

BUT I am told that if the order isn't filled in 44 days it will cancel automatically

I ask what is should do and they say I can place another order and then refuse delivery on the first one which I said I could do except since they can't tell me which item is in or out of stock so if I place another order there is a good chance I will order the same out-of-stock order and get stuck in the same endless loop

This is why customer service in this country sucks because these big corporations only care about the customer forking over the original $200 for the machine up-front not realizing that the consumables is what will make them loads more throughout the years. Their ineptitude and lack of interest in their existing customers will lead to something all the advertisements and sponsorships can't offset: a galvanized base who will rant and bitch about your crappy coffee and terrible service. I get a better customer service experience at a McDonalds and the coffee is better.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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