Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Mile High Experience

Although I carry a Platinum Frequent Flier card for the thousands of miles I fly annually can't claim to be a card-carrying member of the MileHigh Club. Obviously the concept is intriguing and I often keep my eyes on couples in the cabin to see if they are indulging in that very exclusive club. I don't know anybody personally who has accomplished the feat although when you read the surveys in Playboy the percentage of people who claim to have done it always floors me.
The issue though seems to logistical, I have stood in the rest-rooms in many airplanes and there isn't enough room to turn around let alone .make whoopee.
I'm 6'1" and 185lbs but I couldn't squeeze a poodle in the bathroom let alone another person.
The second issue is how the hell can you think about the sweet act of seduction when you enter a 2 by 2 room with piss on the ground, used cigarette butts in the sink and scent of feces with a hint of Lavender.
Now I realize people will find many places to do it and maybe the conditions of an airplane bathroom are amongst the cleanest when comparing it to bus-terminals, club bathrooms and park benches but I have a hard time even touching any of the fixtures with my hands let alone plant my naked ass onto any of them.

To those who lay claim to this feat, I implore you to give us some details on how logistical (and sanitarily -if that's a word) you were able to do it. Please provide pictures, diagrams and a graphic description of the events..
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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