Thursday, March 11, 2010


So I got a letter in the mail yesterday from the Census telling me that they would be sending me another letter shortly with the actual census form.

For nearly a decade I have read the NY Times Editorial Board tell me that the Census2010 was severely underfunded under Bush Jr. but apparently Obama has given them the keys to the Corvette and told them to take it for a spin.  

What the hell is wrong with our country when we

- send a letter to tell you that we are going to be sending you another letter.  If this wasn't part of some Post Office Bail-out program I don't know what would be
- send a letter when you can send an email for nothing... look at the Viagara Email SPAM people who seem to be able to reach every person in shouting distance.

Now I understand that the email option isn't really an option since it would wind up under-counting people without internet access and that would be very counterproductive to finding out which parts of the country need more funding to build things like internet access, so I understand why this hasn't been implemented.    But even knowing this, I have to wonder if I will be able to fill this thing out online because if you are going to expect the average person to send this back via POST and expect anything more than a 20% return you are smoking some of the good-stuff and I'm interested in finding out where to get some.

This is where we have things ass-backwards in this country.. We are under the impression that if we send out a couple of  letters and play a few cheesy commercials on TV that people are going to follow them, I say you tap into the phone-lines over at American Idol cause everybody watches that train-wreck so apparently that's a pretty good cross-section of the country.

I'll help you guys out... you can cross Corey Haim off your list

1 comment:

  1. i'm kinda freaking out cuz i ignore my mail a lot which is really bad. and i ignored my jury duty letter and now i am getting letters saying i may go to jail. do you know anyone else who has done this stupid sh!t? maybe i shouldn't even be posting about this. i mean, why can't they leave me alone? i did my jury duty when i was 22 years old.
