Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Take on the Olympics

I love the olympics, I love the stories, the athletes, the pomp and circumstance and the medals. I love the action, the anguish and the euphoria which comes along with the competition, I love the dedication these athletes have often times in sports that you hear about once in four years and I most love the fact that they play your country's national anthem when you win.
What I don't particularly like is NBC and their forced coverage of these events making each athlete's story a tear-jerker. Am I to believe that I should cheer less for somebody who just got up every morning and practiced their craft because they haven't lost their mother in the last 6 months?

Although I like the Olympics, I don't particularly like the winter-olympics because all the events feel like the kind of thing families do leisurely and dub I a world-class event. I understand the X-games have glorified these sports already and I am not saying these are not world-class athletes but the olympics is already kooky enough, do you have to add the half-pipe? You don't see the summer olympics adding the BMX jump thing or skateboarding.

I like simplicity in my sports, in general I like sports that challenge one guy vs another to measure supremacy. I much less like the judged sports but understand the need of it in gymnastics and figure skating but I hate the ones that try to incorporate both. I hate the ski thing with the jump in the middle, I hate any event where you get extra points for form.

What I really find irritating is that some of the 'sports' sound like they were invented by a few guys looking for drinking games:

OK you ski down this mountain then you shoot these four targets with a shotgun, you then chug a beer and dive into a pond and find a coin.

I swear my buddies invented the curling thing during a bachelor party except we added another layer of difficulty by having to chug a beer each time your stone fell off the table. ..

I also don't like the symbol which looks like a fat-woman in a jogging-suit
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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