Saturday, February 27, 2010

Some people are taking this no-booze TOR rant a little bit too literally

I'm all for the Olympic competition even if 3/4 of the events seem like they have been invented by the Olympic committee to fill airtime but when I hear the criticism that the Canadian women's Hockey Team got after winning gold earlier this week, I get sick.    The criticism came first from the media and then the IOC and centered around the Canadian women, many of whom are 18 to 22 years old having to elaborate a celebration.  These amateur teenage and college-aged kids were criticized for being.....teenage amateurs.   The big to-do revolved around them for posing with a bottle of champagne at center-ice or riding the Zamboni with a beer in hand after capturing gold.  The heat from the media got so intense that the Canadian Olympic committee had to make some kind of lame apology because there were those who found their celebratory acts not within the Olympic spirit.
First of all what kind of testosterone-limited sucker are you when you start complaining about a bunch of hot-CoEd's boozing but you have to allow the athlete to soak in the moment even if it means that they may be soaked in alcohol.    See unlike their male-counterparts, these women are NOT professionals and for most of them this will be the culmination in their careers since there aren't exactly lucrative contracts and mainstream women's hockey leagues vying for their services. .
Other athletes have been criticized the same things in these olympics including a US Snowboarder who was pictured with a woman who was kissing his bronze metal.    How ludicrous is this media who begs the athletes for their stories but then buries personalities, if you can't let a kid whose worked her entire life enjoy the moment we should all pack up and move to Burma
 We live in a hyper-sensitive world if we get bent-out of shape when a 20 year old kid gets drunk and does something every-one of us was doing at 20.    This is why this 24 news cycle has to go, we gotta get out of the bedrooms, board-rooms, and restrooms of everybody.    This is why our athletes come across as Robotic in public (Jeter, Tiger, Kobe) because they know that their image is everything and when their transgressions hit the main-stream they know that the feeding frenzy will be like throwing a piece of Fillet Mignon into a shark-pool.
The best thing about the olympics is the triumphs and defeats even if the events are kooky.   The worst thing are the 50 year old fuddy-duddy's bitching and moaning about it.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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