Wednesday, February 3, 2010

the only way to fly

I have rallied against many of the nuisances of business travel including the difficulty in the airports to get through security, the endless delays, the chain-restaurants and the low shower heads in Holiday Inn.

but today I will give credit where it's due.   See I have often thought that the JetBlue model of Satellite TV and pay as you go food was something the American public would embrace because who the hell wants to stare at the back of the airplane seat for 5 hours and eat food which tastes like tarmac rubber.

Well if you offer better food and give me TV to keep me from wanting to poke my eyeballs out, you have basically won my business for life.     Of course the issue with JetBlue is that if you are not flying to Rochester or Daytona it doesn't go where I have to go (China, Europe, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland etc.) so although it sounds like a great idea it has obvious limitations.

But what I have to say has revolutionized travel is not what the upstarts have done but what the old hacks are doing..    I am presently 10,000 feet above Cleveland in a Delta flight on an aircraft which is  WiFi enabled.   Now it's not that I need to be connected at every hour of the day, but it sure is pleasant knowing I'm not stuck picking pieces of lint out of my belly button for entertainment.    See they do nickel-and-dime you with $2 headsets or $5 pillows which is annoying since I think you should just incorporate normal things into the price of the flight but I have no issue to pay for something extraordinary.

If I can get an edible egg-salad sandwich for $7 or an $8 frozen margarita this seems reasonable in this economic climate although I may not actually spend my money to buy it.   What I would easily pay for is $13 for WiFi connection, I would prefer it to be rolled into the price but I realize that the best things in life aren't free, this is a small price to pay for sanity.
  Now I was on a flight back from Europe last week and the WiFi option wasn't available, so it's not like Delta is doing this on every flight but I think this should be one of the options Expedia mentions when you are booking a flight

you can either take a United flight to Vegas which leaves at 7AM for $249 or a Delta flight which leaves at 7:15AM for $289 but it has WiFi..   My decision would be made immediately.

how Delta isn't putting out 10 commercials at the SuperBowl is lunacy to me.   Forget safety, price or one-time arrivals, if I can stream the Daily Show i'm rocking.

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