Sunday, February 21, 2010


There probably is no better way to describe getting shit-faced than saying you got hammered. When the night goes long, the booze keeps flowing and my mouth goes running I know that the next morning it will feel like somebody took a hammer to my skull.
Today is one of those unfortunate mornings but as I never feel bad for anybody else who is hung-over, I cannot in good conscious ask anybody else to feel for me.
Years ago, I was blessed with the bounce-back ability of a night of drinking like a an NBA 22 year old could come back after a double-overtime game one night to drop 30 the next day. Sadly those days are now long gone and the pounding in my head feels like somebody is jack-hammering a hole through my eye-ball
I used to recover in a few hours, now it takes me a full week.
Then as the details of the night before become more clear you realize that you became 'that guy'.
The one who pees on the street during a drunken stumble home and that was probably the least embarrassing thing you did since you probably said enough shit to wedge your foot so far into your mouth you kicked yourself in the ass.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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