Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Chocolate Thunder of the Morning Rush

Nothing frustrates me more than people who speak at a high pitch, when somebody speaks at a pitch approaching the High-C.  Coversation at this pitch makes me literally cringe as it pains my ears.

My life has revolved around many things but never have I felt like it revolves around finding a way to shove my shoe in somebody's mouth when their pitch starts approaching levels only dogs should hear. Let me explain.

Standing on an overcrowded train on route to work, a time when 99% of the other working-stiffs stand silently in the train as they realize it will be the last few minutes of peace they will have that day but across the way a girl in her 20's is yapping away like she's at a baseball game. Now I'm all for freedom of speech but I'm also for freedom-to-have-silence.. Why some people believe that the entire world has to come to a halt when they talk is beyond me. Now I am a gossip-hound and have been known to eavesdrop but that loses all the fun when some chick decides to make her business the sound-track for the entire commute.

I find it particularly frustrating when their tone is Russian Harsh or the language plain ghetto but the worst part is when the pitch gets so high I'm afraid the windows on the train are going to break like a Darryl Dawkins did to those backboards.

But more than anything, I beg you.. if you are going to disrespect everybody's private space and peacefull mornings at least make it intresting about a one-night-stand you had last night or a bunch of coke you did off a guy's ass in a night-club

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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