Sunday, January 3, 2010

FoxNews goes dark....almost

As many people know the battle between the FOX corporation and Time Warner Cable raged until well past the 11th hour with both corporations spending serious money in competing advertisement in The NY Post, Wall Street Journal amongst others. The battle was over fees the cable station conglomerate wanted to charge the cable company for airing their top rated TV shows and News station. The FCC had to step in at the last minute to ensure the stations wouldn't go black at 12:01AM on New Years Day and with the FCC aid the two corporations came to some settlement avoiding a blackout..
TOR sees this as yet another crisis the Obama administration didn't take advantage of.. What I would have told the administration is keep the FCC out of this battle, not because the federal government shouldn't interfere with two Billion Dollar corporations -which they shouldn't- but because this would have been the perfect strategic time to sign health-care reform. With Time Warner taking the FOX stations off the air and thus pulling the plug on FoxNews it would have meant the entire right-wing would have had no avenue to respond. Shit 50% of the audience wouldn't even have been wise to anything having happened at all. it
The FCC would then wait until the next celebrity death or leaked Tiger Woods story put FoxNews back on the air and voilà half the country wouldn't have known anything happened at all
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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