Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You know who is the biggest jackass out there?

Many people do stupid things in the snow many of which are alcohol driven while others are driven by pride or worse yet stubborness.
I think it’s the guy who pretends it’s not cold and wears shorts when it’s -10 degrees outside embraces the last . The best/worst thing about these guys is that they will try to convince you the entire time that they aren’t freezing their asses off. They jump around with their lips practically frozen together saying ‘my legs don’t’ get cold, I’m totally fine’ As they desperately try to pump any blood back into their legs as they jump in place.

See the Japanese usually do this sort of thing right, they embrace the stupidity and then probably make a gameshow out of it.. When they run in shorts when its freezing they don't just do boy-shorts they almost go the Full-Monty. They dress down to their Speedos and make an event out of it and I think there is actually an underlying level of greatness to it. . The difference is subtle but important, it’s the difference between the Polar Bear Club diving into the ocean at minus 20 degree weather vs. the guy who jumps in a cold lake and tells you he’s fine. One is an act which embraced the stupidity of it while the other is an act whose denial spews stupidity. For one the cold weather is a right-of-passage while the other pretends it’s just any other day while you can see his limbs slowly freeze dead, one takes bows for his act of stupidity while the other is so frozen from his stubbornness that he can’t even bend over

I’m all for having pride but when you get so stubborn that you can’t even see the frostbite on your eyelids it goes from stubbornness to total lunacy. Just the other day with the temperature cold enough to freeze the spit on your tongue I see a dude in bike shorts, a skin tight shirt and a head-band like he’s going to a Erasure concert but instead he decided this was the optimal dress for a 9 mile race around the park.

So the 2010 award for Biggest Jackass is “Mr. BikeShort wearing Frozen Jogger”

I can almost see a ‘real men of genius’ theme song for it.

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