Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You gotta love Janet Napolitano comments that the "system worked" in reference to the attempt to bring down the Northwest flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. It's hard to see the system working successfully unless of course you are working for Al Quada, who also can't be thrilled with the outcome. There has to be something wrong when the successful system involves letting a guy on your watch list get a visa, buy a ticket in cash and fly without checking in luggage even after the would-be-bomber's father contacted the US Embassy in Nigeria to warn them that his son had shows of fanaticism.
. But maybe what she is referring to is the fall back plan, part of an international CIA covert operation . What the media failed to recognized is there was one last security step which resembles the blow-up cigar the CIA once tried to pass to Fidel Castro and TOR has seen enough Wile E Coyote cartoons to know what she meant.. See what she was probably was referring to was the instruction manual that came with the fake explosives they slipped the bomber which like an 80 year old man failed to launch.
The looks on the faces of the CIA agents must have been priceless as this guy read the instruction manual where they instruct him to basically latch the dynamite to his nuts and then watched his jewels burn like a Channukah candle.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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