Thursday, December 3, 2009

Equality Now

The NY State Senate, one of the most corrupt entities this side of Kabul, voted against Civil Rights when they voted 38-to-24 for discrimination against gay people by not allowing them to be wed. As most of you know, TOR stands on the side of the gay community especially when it comes to civil rights and the editorial board (read me) is appalled at the lack of integrity our State Senators seem to have.

Not only has this body done nothing but wrestle each other to a stalemate all session –and many previous sessions as well- but their one landmark law for this session will be discriminatory. What bothers me most is that in most cases in the last 50 years our laws have been set to avoid discrimination but one the gay-rights issues we are Kabul-Ass-Backwards.

The arguments we always hear about this issue is the tired ‘sanctity of marriage’ argument saying that the only way to uphold the sanctity of marriage is to keep it between and man and wife.

I will leave out the obvious hypocrisy that the loudest voices against Gay Marriage always seems to be the ones with the most skeletons in their closet but I will say that anybody who tries to disparage human rights through an argument that gay-marriage threatens the ‘sanctity of marriage’ should look at the 50% divorce rate in this country and tell me what ‘sanctity’ they are protecting.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Righetti, for this clear and outspoken stand against the oposing ones in this matter!

    Equality is essential!

    I recently watched the picture movie Milk with Willemijn and we were shocked by the reality and actual content it seems to show.
